Hey, Waves army. Prepare to Turn the Tide. Please, check the change of our plan for the AMA.

05 Apr 2022, 09:43
🚨 Hey, Waves army! Prepare to Turn the Tide! Please, check the change of our plan for the AMA! πŸ“ Where: Waves Protocol’s Twitter spaces πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Who: Coleman Maher, Head of Ecosystem + Sasha Ivanov, Waves founder πŸ“† When: 1pm EST April 5th Get your hot questions prepared! BTW, we have 5 Extra Jackpot Ducks to giveaway πŸ₯ To Enter: 1. Quote this tweet with #WavesArmy hashtag 2. Write any comment under the tweet 3. Join Waves Community Telegram Simple! Good luck and see you all tomo, Waves army! πŸ’ͺπŸ”·