
07 Jul 2022, 16:27
⭐️Announcement⭐️ Dear Neutrino community and nodes owners, the Neutrino team strives towards the protocol decentralization, and we need your synergy and coherence!🤝 RideV6 now supports installing scripts on a generating address without losing the ability to generate. In order to make the Neutrino protocol operation truly independent and provide the community with a new reward incentive, we need you to install additional script. This is a new feature, so we want to test it on 8 nodes first. For now, we are asking the following nodes to install generator.ride script by the end of Friday (8 July 2022): * 3PKUWRsfsJ3i1VRMt39p4NuuXLRTaPpkimZ * 3P7VBSEmwQBW6YNkDVFuKjtWB2362rkB3jN * 3PJWoNzASvaRPf164iXcP8hDSLar9pQ7Kuz * 3PACTUMWVTbV44HyauqBvLLwQTkTsPe74ti * 3P7FFosyq9E3wyveKXJ1deECeK1A9nWPfAZ * 3P4Ry9XyNu6w8S1wndzgopw4HxLmkpU5iXj * 3PNZsgz5N8ibq2Gxt48pqHXKTdrnUcWamUS * 3PGTegesjZvFH1S1EgDD3fhMKy5DniBeTkC We will monitor the tested nodes during the weekend and then ask the remaining node owners to install it too. We will distribute the leasing to the remaining 24 applicants who did not yet get their nodes approved as soon as the script is tested and installed on all the community nodes. If you experience difficulties with script installation please use instructions and tiny python script prepared by our team. See the description of the script mechanics and the new reward incentive in this article. Thanks for your support and please, stay tuned for the future updates 😉